WhiteNoise's Square
version 1.0


What is it ?

A cheese-tastic C64-style Square wave generator.

This machine was designed with customizability in mind. Basically, it makes a square wave and the width of the pulse can be varied for interesting effects. You can set the LFO pattern used to modulate the pulse, the speed it modulates, and the values modulated between. In addition to this, you can do Frequency modulation (for vibrato), Amplitude modulation (for tremolo) and even 0ldsK007 appregiator like effects, reminiscient of SID tunes. And of course, you can pitch bend and glide notes. Check out the demo song for a smattering of sounds that you can make with this machine (it's even good at making square noise).
If you find any bugs, or have any comments or suggestions for new machines, email me.

Some Notes:
- In AM and FM modes, the PulseWidth variables are used to control the frequencies or volumes respectively.
- Phat mode adds two octave waveforms and detunes them slightly.
- OldsK007 is the appregiator mode
- LFO speed is in times/second (hz)
- In Oldsk007, LFO speed sets the appregiator rate, and PulseWidthA sets the ratio between the sections that are raised 2 octaves and the dry section.

This is DONATIONWARE. If you want to be kind, you can send me any amount of money (or anything else you think I'd like to have) to the following address. Thank you.

David Wallin
122 Heather Valley Rd.
Holland, Pa